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Short biography Saul Imbrici

Saul Imbrici, Director of ATG ­ Artificial Intelligence Division, has a degree in Physics and is an expert in numerical simulations and mathematical models. In recent years, he has developed his interest in the world of Artificial Intelligence, where he has always brought a holistic vision of the symbiosis between human and machine. He also manages training programs and is a member of the Steering Committee of the Degree Course in Mathematics at the University of Insubria. ATG ­ AI is the new company of Anzani Group specialized in the innovative field of Artificial Intelligence, with already several projects in progress within different markets: Business, Financial, Industry 4.0, HR/Recruiting and security. Anzani Group has been active for twenty-five years in the world of business intelligence and software development.
Phone: +39 031 611 860

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